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Thread: 4-4-2 diamond

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    4-4-2 diamond


    So I play 4-0-3 MCs -2 R/L -1

    I am playing someoen 2 levels higher than me tomorrow. He's playing 4-4-2 diamond, and I was wondering if people agree with my tactics.

    Play zonal (due to him having 3 in the middle)
    Down the sides of mixed due to the CMD
    Defensive with counters on and high pressing
    I was thinking short passing, as I have 3 MC and his are spread out leaving the middle open. Or should I go long to spray it out to my AMs and STR?

    My highest scorer is always my right AM, and his left sided defender looks sluggish in comparison (177% speed vs like 80), maybe I should just rely on him.
    Last edited by Andrew Nifield; 05-01-2016 at 06:38 AM.

  2. #2
    Famous Abhinavsharma's Avatar
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    Jan 2016
    Note that

    1: Defensive with low press
    2: Use offside trap as you have no Dmc.
    3: Play zonal marking as you have no dmc.
    4: No short passes only mixed and long passes.
    5: Red arrows on dr and drl.
    6: Mixed focus passing.
    7: Blue arrows on 2 mc.

    Best of luck
    Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..

  3. #3
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    1: Defensive with low press

    2: Use offside trap as you have no Dmc.
    3: Play zonal marking as you have no dmc.
    he must find a DMC or to use a MC or DC oop, to confront his AMC

    4: No short passes only mixed and long passes.
    his DMC may "cut" his long passing

    5: Red arrows on dr and drl.
    6: Mixed focus passing.
    7: Blue arrows on 2 mc.

    I 'm playing 4-4-2ND with 3DC-1DMC as oppo power is in the middle.
    Front line is ok.
    if oppo is weaker or you want to reverse a bad result, set a ST or AMC instead of the third MC.
    Avoid attack mentality (at least in your first game).
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  4. #4
    Famous nash123's Avatar
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    Andrew, pls post the result and which tactics you played.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by nash123 View Post
    Andrew, pls post the result and which tactics you played.
    First leg I won 3-2 but it was home. Sadly I couldn't log on early enough to watch the match and adjust tactics, lol - was 3-0 up at one point. I do need to watch the harder games to switch my press at the end of the game.

    I went normal mixed mixed, on

    high, normal, man to man, on.

    I was going to change it a little and put zonal on.

    I'll do a more defensive style as suggested for the second leg and hope I can squeeze past him.

    Going def, mixed, long, on
    low, normal, zonal, off side on

    I'm not sure what red arrows are, but I have arrows going down on my right and left backs - and on 2 of my 3 central midfielders.

  6. #6
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    Went down the right flank in the end. Won 1-2. 5-3 on aggregate.

    Next guy up is only 1 level higher... lol

  7. #7
    Famous nash123's Avatar
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    Congrats for the win !!

    So, you played 4-0-3n-2w-1?
    Andrew Nifield likes this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Yeah 3CMs, AMR/L and STR.

    I won this thing last year, but I only had 2 people 1 level higher than me, nobody 2 I'm not optimistic this year!

    Right AM MotM (10) - played down his wing but both wingers had 9+
    Last edited by Andrew Nifield; 05-02-2016 at 08:49 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2016
    4-4-2 diamond, dmc arrow to heart of def playmaker, 2 mc with no arrow one of them playmaker, amc unprdctbl, 2 fw but my attacks arent good enough for scoring, ive got 6 players with 6* others 5*... attacking passing mixed long passes counterattack on high pressing and no offside trap, lvl12 win bonus 875k,,, plz help me

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by soheil_depor View Post
    4-4-2 diamond, dmc arrow to heart of def playmaker, 2 mc with no arrow one of them playmaker, amc unprdctbl, 2 fw but my attacks arent good enough for scoring, ive got 6 players with 6* others 5*... attacking passing mixed long passes counterattack on high pressing and no offside trap, lvl12 win bonus 875k,,, plz help me
    Since all your midfielders are in the central midfield, passing should be focused through the middle. Also, since you have players at every level on the pitch (Defenders, Defensive midfielder, midfielders, Attacking midfielders, Forwards), passing should be short.

    Also, since the narrow diamond is an attacking formation, counter-attacks should be off.

    The rest looks fine.

    Good Luck
    Awe Imoleayo Peter likes this.
    Level 40 Manager

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