Sometime i think there is something wrong with the game..
It happend again today in the league competition.
I had to play a match a half hour ago.
My team have quality 72.4, the other have 67.4.
We played with the same tactic. I have 3 players 75(scout)
6 others are the maximum in my level 74
the rest is 70+.
the opponent have no one 75. no one 74.
hes worst player 61, the most in the 60. only a few in 70
and he win 3-1. the scores are not really realistic..
that happend more and more.
Why i need to buy "better" players?
they are better in statistic.. they aren't better in match.
It's a game but it's coming boring, not realistic
Someone who have the same problem ?
Someone with any answer?