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But the problem is with the CH.L.
Ok with the Cup - as in the Cup, the teams are 2 levels down so they must spend a fortune to build a 8* team
Ok, with the League as those teams are most semi-abandoned, with managers who don't care much about the game
But in CH.L. , how can you build a competitive team at day 3 ? usually this day there are no young fast trainers (only the 1st day the nordgen are guarantee) ?
- The recommended players are random and usually following the quality of the team - so useless
- Managers with players in nego list , usually not respond
- In the market there are 5* players but usually not fast trainers. Those players hardly can be early 6* players but then is difficult to sell them in the end of the season.
Meanwhile in the CH.L. there is no q draw so there are teams with 6* players from the start.
A solution is scout list players but how many can buy ? and sell them in the end of every season ?