Hi Khairat, maybe you might be interested in my post - see above. I am looking for the active and ambitious manager for my Bronze 2 assotiation Night Attackers, #L2PNXY. Please read the details in the post #50 above.
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Hi Khairat if you would like to talk to us,please feel free to message me through this section, and we will se what comes about you maybe joining our group.
Hi Manager, I look for a association until the end of the season so if you have a free place for me you can add me
Hello everyone Gorkem here,
I'm the leader of the PRO'S ON FIRE.Our asso was goinf perfectly fine first weeks but after that its going bad.Most of my members are not understanding how important giving someone addtional %4 bonuses and other thing is that no one ever talked on chat.Im currently looking for members who are more than 5 stars/Active on matches/Always giving bonuses and talking.I want to build more like talking/active asso.
Note:I kicked 3 %100+ 's so i dont really care about stars.But %80+ is what i more likely want. :)
Here is the hashtag: #WTSDKE
We are looking for 2 active players who train every day and help with bonuses and loans. We are English speaking and currently rated at 5 stars but that will soon be rising to 6. Our tag is #BMS6YX so come and join!
Hey, I am TavabG FC from Top eleven, and I am the Captain of the association called: The Great Tacticians
I am searching for a new player, atleast 4 or 5 stars!
We are undefeated and nr. 15 in the standings (best: nr. 5)
We have been in the Top 100 list!
JOIN :-)