1 Attachment(s)
Top Eleven is making outbound TCP connections to ports 1935 and 7700.
This is both weird and very dim, because everyone knows that you can't do that on some internet connections, e.g. most corporate networks. It looks like the connection failed, but the user knows that their connection is fine, and therefore concludes that the app DNFW and uninstalls it. This practice is costing them money. They need to use port 443 (or 80), like everyone else does.
The screenshot below is the proof, taken from my firewall logs.
To get it to work, either use a different network (e.g. disconnect from WiFi and use mobile data), or get the firewall rules changed. All you have to do is ask the IT team to open ports 1935 and 7700 outbound, so that you can play a game while you're at work. Let me know how that goes!
Attachment 68297