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Thread: Connection Error

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Question Connection Error

    Most of my team matches are when I'm in University, so since last week I got the Top Eleven app updated to 2015 it always give me connection/server error , it works when I'm at home but not when I'm in University, I do not why, because with 2014 version it used to work good. Can you guys help me please?

  2. #2
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Easy things to try:

    try closing the app and delete the cache.

    make sure the FB app is up to date if you use that as sign on.

    try uninstalling and reinstalling the app.

    Also the app wont connect properly through a proxy or if the needed port is not available, some public networks it won't work.

    For more assistance please ask at No, the issue is still here - TopEleven Support | TopEleven Support

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    I've tried all you said, but still it doesn't work. And proxy isn't the problem because the problem appeared when my app got updated to 2015, before that it was working without any problem.