connection was closed. Do you want to reconnect???
Since the change from the old version that I have been having problems with this. I do like the new version but when this is happening every bloody 30 seconds it is very annoying!!! I have contacted customer support about this twice and I had no reply, and then you still have the nerve to send me an email asking me if I was happy with the service provided..... are you kidding me!!!!!!!! yesterday I was on and I had no issues and thought it had been resolved....only to come home today (19th February) and the problem is still happening. I have spent money on this game and to be treated like this is nothing short of ridiculous!!! Sort yourselves out and solve this issue as I am ready to make a formal complaint to the appropriate entity that would deal with this matter, because as I have said I have spent money on the game and I'm not about to just give it up.... Have some bloody respect!!!!
Luis Duarte