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Thread: Cup is *not* for teams of a similar Quality...

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  1. #1
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    Cup is *not* for teams of a similar Quality...

    Palace Casuals Cup Final today.

    Casuals are Level 29, opponent is Level 30.

    Match preview screen with both teams as set up at the time screenshots taken.

    Cup is *not* for teams of a similar Quality...-cup-final.jpg

    ...and before you say that he built his team up over the season, this is a screenshot of the team from his first Cup match of the season:

    Cup is *not* for teams of a similar Quality...-ac-milan-1st-cup-match.jpg

    How can that be anywhere remotely fair?

    Just had a look at his League standing and he is top, 100% record (24/24 wins), scored 110 goals, conceded 11...
    Last edited by talisman; 03-31-2016 at 08:51 AM.
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  2. #2
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    See it from the other side. What if your opponent started the season around the same quality as you, and put in effort to improve his team significantly? In this case, he deserves to be the favourite to win the cup. If he has used his honestly earned money to buy tokens, it is fair.

    What would be not fair is if your opponent fooled the cup draw, and also used bad ways (cheating, stealing, tanking and other dishonest ways) to improve his team quality before or after the draw. Another thing that would not be fair if he had significantly more free offers than you (this is actually the case for some users in this forum).
    Another thing that would be not fair is if you have this same sort of situation every season, where you are always among the lower or middle levels in the Cup batch or not among the favourites.

    I have discussed more about this topic in the following posts. Moi, if you had a look at this thread, have a look at those posts.



    Last edited by Tactician; 03-31-2016 at 10:31 AM.
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  3. #3
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    I've already covered that - his team now is the same as at the start of the season, so how did he get into this Cup? He has four 1* players in his squad, which reduces his overall quality by 10%, so still way ahead of the highest Q of the other teams in this Cup.

    If he had started the season at a similar quality and improved the squad to the level it is, then I would have said fair enough, can't match that, get on with it. But as it is, he was in the wrong Cup to start with.
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  4. #4
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by talisman View Post
    I've already covered that - his team now is the same as at the start of the season, so how did he get into this Cup? He has four 1* players in his squad, which reduces his overall quality by 10%, so still way ahead of the highest Q of the other teams in this Cup.

    If he had started the season at a similar quality and improved the squad to the level it is, then I would have said fair enough, can't match that, get on with it. But as it is, he was in the wrong Cup to start with.
    What I meant is what if the opponent improved his team just after the draw? You cannot say that his team was like this before the draw unless you had him on your friends' list.

    Suppose that his team was like this at the moment of the draw, then yes, there could be a problem, but still he deserves it if he has improved his team honestly. Now that you are mentioning he had four 1 star players in his squad after the Cup draw, he probably fooled the Cup draw. He may have had say 6-7 star first team players at the time of the draw, and just after the draw he brought all of them to 8 stars (which showed as 9 stars to you given that you are 1 level below).

    Now, if you are looking for someone to blame, start by blaming those who support the idea of cheating in the game including fooling draws, those that show others how to trick the Cup draw on the social websites including this forum, and also blame Nordeus for not fixing this flaw.

    While it might be just a game, some people might be putting a lot of effort, spending a lot of time and money on this game, including you. And when you face situations like this, where it is clear that one of your opponents has deliberately cheated the system, it is of course unacceptable. I have expressed my disagreement against all those who cheat many times here on this forum, but it seems that many users here don't care (or they try to defend the act probably because they do it themselves), at least not until they become the victim themselves for a few times. I have seen all sorts of cheating here: fooling draws, tanking, using alternative/parallel accounts to gain advantages such as additional supporter possession bonus and tokens via the referral system, using alternative accounts to send 'valuable' gifts such as logos and shirts to another main account, using fake addresses and/or proxies to obtain offers, and lately trying to fool the offer system by installing a previously installed app.

    PS: No offence meant to anyone, but what I have said is the truth.
    Last edited by Tactician; 03-31-2016 at 06:34 PM.
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  5. #5
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    ** Delete ** duplicate post...
    Last edited by talisman; 03-31-2016 at 04:45 PM.
    Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...

  6. #6
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    I would also like to add something. Some of you may have seen accounts with around 10 000 tokens. Don't you think that there is something wrong? Is it a coincidence that the hacks that worked also provided a max. of 10 000 tokens? 10 000 tokens is approximately equivalent to 740 USD. Do you think that it is easy to earn so much tokens from offers honestly? Suppose that a maximum of around 50 tokens can be earned daily from 'free' offers in some regions, that requires 200 days of dedicated farming and spending no more than the 30-35T provided each season for every season in those 200 days. Don't you think that it is more likely he was able to use one of the hacks at the time that they worked, and now he is just maintaining this amount by compensating for used tokens by using offers?

    Some people might tell those hacks don't work. How do they know they don't work? They must have tried it. If they tried it, then intent to cheat or to steal was there, isn't it? Now suppose one of you make a test now and the results turns out to be negative, that does not mean it did not work at some point in the past.

    (I don't want to accuse anyone specifically, but I'm showing you the likely possibilities.)
    Last edited by Tactician; 03-31-2016 at 11:07 PM.
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