On your server do you have other players highest in rank them you?
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I have same problem !
I cant sell payer . I put him for sell many times all the day but nothing !
W A T H S G O I N G O N ? ? ? ? ? ? !!!
Hm, I don't know. Try writing ticket to our support
13:28 again
Attachment 243Attachment 244
Well, probably there are no that many users that can see your players on the transfer list, and those that can are not interested in them because there are not that young. You can always sack them, that will solve your decreasing money problem.
Fingolfin have you read the entire thread??? They are young! 24, 26, 27 years??? And how to sack them with negative balance?? And get money for new players from where if I collect money and sack them??? PLEASE READ FIRST!!!
The majority of managers are trying to buy 18-20 years old players and your players are not attractive enough.
There is no need to use Caps Lock.
They was attractive enough allways and 22 leves and they are not now!? With this you solve the problem? The problem is from 10-15 days. I can't sell 20 years old players too! I sack one 20 year old because of his low fee to have place for other player!!!
Of course I read the thread. I never by players older than 22 years, and there are other people that do so. You can get money by winning matches, by decreasing win bonuses for players, and of course sack players that you don't need if you can't sell them, which is your case. By sacking you will not win money directly but it will decrease significantly your expenses. I'm sorry, but I can't help you more than this, but I have already told you, ask nordeus support, they can investigate your case in depth.
The answer...Quote:
The problem is that you are on the highest League on your server and all your players are with 5 and 6 stars. Managers which are one level lower can not see them because for them your players are 6* and 7* players.
So, because of that very few managers can see your player and chances to receive offer from them are minimal, especially at the end of the season.
I suggest you to keep your squad and to try to sell players at the beginning of the next season.
Best regards.
Yan | Customer Support | Nordeus