Substitution is not working properly!!!
I lost a game today because my substitution dmc didn't want to come in game for mc, so my mc played 30 minutes on dmc position. Just after my second goal (1:2 for mx team) I wanted to sub mc with dmc and what happened, dmc didn't enter the game until I move him on field. The game finished 3:2 because I didn't notice that dmc didn't enter and all that time played with mc on dmc position. Should I play anymore or should nordeus fix this issue, I spend a lot of tokens and rest (about 3-4 K this season only) but I guess it was for nothing. Why don't you fix this when you know for this problem for a such long period. FIX things, stop with stupid updates.
Acosta is DMC that I wanted to sub MC Cetiner at 50', but as you see he entered game at 81'.