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  • 1 Post By stevie spence

Thread: Faults, faults and more

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Fife, Scotland

    Faults, faults and more

    Cant get in contact with support, fault, taken 35 mins to get on here,fault, intermittent sound in game,fault, no half time in game, fault, message after Champion game, saying end of season,lets train,play friendlys, fault, takes forever to load the game, fault, to name but a few. When are we going to see some rectifications with all these faults, instead of adding more crap into the game, probably adding more faults. THIS GAME IS A JOKE, SORRY, YOU CAN LAUGH AT A JOKE, THIS MAKES YOU CRY WITH RAGE. DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE FAULTS FIRST, FIX THE GAME.
    Altiplano likes this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    "Top Eleven has stopped responding."
    "Close app?"

    This is on Android, thanks. Because the special sponsor SUCKS event is not avaliable on iOS.

    Yes, please close the app. Got to be one of your worst starts to a season ever. Well done Nordeus.