try 442 classic, use blue arrows on your DC's and middle right MC,red on yours MR
PS: N mean near,W wide.... for ex. 3N-2W-3N-2 means: DC,DC,DC,DML,DMR,MC,MC,MC,ST,ST
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try 442 classic, use blue arrows on your DC's and middle right MC,red on yours MR
PS: N mean near,W wide.... for ex. 3N-2W-3N-2 means: DC,DC,DC,DML,DMR,MC,MC,MC,ST,ST
saw your answer too late :)
i began the match with 4-5-1 (3 MC + ML + MR)
On 2nd half i cahnged 1 MC to an attacker = 4-4-2. During the match i changed sometime the ML+MR to AMR+AML
Here are the results:
Attachment 9049
Attachment 9050
And again, thanks for you help.
you are welcome:) Congratulations:)