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Thread: Game against fierce rival....using sub accounts

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  1. #1
    Apprentice The Red Baron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Game against fierce rival....using sub accounts

    Got a game coming up against one of my fiercest rivals he plays 4-2-3W-1


    His teams players are probably 0.5 of a skill point better than me.

    Although i am playing at home he will have a full extra 15% pocession as he uses sub accounts....teams he's created and never develops ,that are in lower levels ,that he only uses to go along and support his main team(this team) ...sad really...

    Taking all this into account , has anyone got any counter formation ideas.....with orders......there isn't one in the counter formation table.

    Thanks for any help you can give.
    Last edited by The Red Baron; 11-30-2013 at 08:00 PM.
    Red FC-Level 24-Season 24
    Winners x 17 (2nd x 5 , 3rd x 1)
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    i beat this with 4-1-4-1 in fact i totally crashed him strange was that he is token buyer and were like 5 Q above me and i manage to win 4:1 we played my stadium /that was CL match/ and i played with attacking mental , mix pass, zonal marking, press hole pitch, counters on , but i thing 4-1-2-1-2 ND is fine too cuz will stop his AMC and also u will have three attackers ..... with mental normal, press own half , pass tro the middle , zonal karking i belive u can get the three points
    Last edited by Asen Myrvakov; 12-01-2013 at 08:24 AM.

  3. #3
    Rookie Tiago Alexandre Cruz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I would go for a 4-5-1 with AML-AMR and 3 MC would give you more control in midfield and your two CBs would stop his only ST and your full backs with blue arrows should stop his wingers but just an opinion
    Normal with mixed attacking style and mixed passing style or use short if your CBs are at least 3Q better than his ST own half pressing with no offside trap and tick counter attack as it will be a close game and I think you would get him on the counter attack if he plays offensive game or you could go attacking and untick counter attack ! Good luck bro