How to win against that formation:
I play with them today at 7 p.m.
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How to win against that formation:
I play with them today at 7 p.m.
Ah okok! Got it, even without wingers i will have a DC and a DMC covering the flanks... good, kinda the same, but i put the pressure a bit more up (which i am not sure as he is really strong in the midfield and putting the pressure so up may be counterproductive). Maybe i should put down arrows in the DMC? Even in the MC? Ty for the help!
Any formation will do, I would say 3 DCs with a DMC to cover, and then you can attack however you want, just make sure your formation is legal! His is illegal with no wide players so you will have 80% possession, no need to have too many defenders, just the minimum for the rare occasions when he has the ball.
Its an illegal formation as no wings are there... You will have 80% possession, for this, focus in defending the middle and attack the flanks, a 4-5-1 V should work quite well against it, with AMs motivated (not the DMC thou), mixed, both flanks, attacking/defending depending on levels, own half. But im kinda noob (lvl 4, just won 3 leagues and 1 champions), so wait for more experienced responses :)
Probably butterfly will work good too (3-2-2-2-1) 3 DC, DMR, DML, 2 MC, AML, AMR, ST with AMs motivated, same orders.
I would say yes, blue down arrows for MCs and DMCs, the only red arrows should be on your wide players, AML, AMR, ML, MR, whichever players you have of these should have red arrows. Again, defensive, down both flanks, own half, hard tackling, long passing, zonal, no counter, no offsides.
My suggestion is actually the below:
You are free to rearrange it, maybe move ML and MR to MC so that you have more players with blue arrows. If any players are on the wings, you must put red arrows on them. I suggest blue arrows for all midfielders except red arrows for wide players, no arrows for goalkeeper, defenders and strikers.
**** I wrote that he play 3 DC's
sorry my mistake he play DL-DC-DR
Alright, so a 3-4-3 narrow diamond. Quite similar to the 4-4-2 narrow diamond, the extra ST is placed in between the two other STs so easily marked, and the defence is weaker. Adel's counter for the 4-4-2 narrow diamond is somewhere on the first page of this thread, just use that. :)
Could someone give a tip to win against below strange formation?
I think it will be illegal due to three players on the right side, you'll just need minimal defence placed well to deal with his attackers on the rare chances they have to get forward.
This is what I've come up with, it's odd but players are placed to triple mark all his attacking players while giving you a strong attack down the wings, only his MC is only double marked. You're free to rearrange them slightly.
Attacking/hard attacking, down both flanks, own half/whole pitch, normal tackling, mixed passing, zonal marking. No counter, no offsides. Red arrows on all four wingers, blue arrows on MCs if you feel they are needed.
How do the teams compare btw?
Thanks a lot Potemy