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Thread: Fine without DMC & with 2x AMC's against Enemy with 4-5-1 "2x MC,ML,MR,AMC,ST ?

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  1. #1
    Newbie Terry Holland's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Fine without DMC & with 2x AMC's against Enemy with 4-5-1 "2x MC,ML,MR,AMC,ST ?

    Howdy all.

    I'm having a Cup match against opponent tomorrow morning and by the numbers his team is slightly better. I lost 1st match 2-0 and mostly i think cause didn't remember when is first Cup match after season ended. So now didn't prepare for 1st round at should've been visible in calendar after season ended,but wasn't :/

    Here's image of his lineup:

    Here's image of his lineup. Was wondering if i could do fine against his team even i don't have DMC in use "could use a good one,but was thinking of using this Line up instead..Or hopefully could and do well.

    Here's my Lineup:

    Shame that can't change the time for tomorrow's Cup Match and sad that 1st one was also so early. There is no clock on Cup match in calendar page,but is for Champions League matches..weird.

    Friendly regards: Terry

  2. #2
    Famous RJSlow's Avatar
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    Wisconsin, USA
    narrow diamond would be perfect. as long as you attack through the middle you should be fine

  3. #3
    Famous Skidz's Avatar
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    Scarborough, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
    So many times I see blue arrows on defenders!, I think doing that all you are doing is giving your opponent the liscence to attack! I personaly dont think defenders need any arrows and so I have never used then in 9 seasons!, your team looks good and very attacked minded I would put a red arrow on the striker aswell and one on the middles center midfield, you are very narrow playing the diamond and he is set up to hit you on the flanks so you will have to be carefull.
    x 17 x 5 x 1

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    Every comment I make on this forum is based on my own experiences and so should be taken as such!.

  4. #4
    Newbie Terry Holland's Avatar
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    May 2014
    Big thanks for the replies RJSlow and Skidz

    Ah never thought of that blue arrow's being useless for DL & DR,but never thought of using them with DL & DR if used them. Though always when used DL & DR and 1x DC or even 1x DMC with them i've got bad results. Ofc tried to picture a good gameplay in my mind with those. I'll take out the blue arrow's from fullbacks "DL & DR" and Fullback is more used in that silly Usa's macho football if not mistaken..I think European footie's version for Fullback is Wingback if not mistaken.

    I think i'll put my MC Mika Väyrynen to offensive,but i might lose some ball possession if do that..or creative play in midfield..don't know..Oh well i'll try that thanks Darn for not being able to change the time slot for the match as i can't get to cheer up for my team and make any subs for the game cause it's played a bit too early. Wonder why not possible to change the time slow for this Cup match,but is possible for Champion's League matches that are played couple days later.

    Have a good new week both of u O/

    - Terry -

  5. #5
    Famous RJSlow's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Wisconsin, USA
    You can change the time of all your HOME matches as long as its 24 hours before the time your changing it to at the cost of 2 tokens

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    the netherlands
    4-1-2-1-2 would good with passing trough middle. no counter!