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  1. Dario Dario is offline


  2. nlifehong nlifehong is offline


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  1. mitkots94
    mitkots94 liked post by Maxraf On thread : Platinum association looking for a new member
    Its a great association. There is only a space because I play on PC and with Nordeus' latest changes I cannot get enough greens, even with 100 tokens every season!!
    Liked On: 05-26-2019, 04:08 PM
  2. mitkots94
    mitkots94 liked post by KlickBann On thread : Vitrin ( Trophies ) | Stats - Changes
    Welcome Guys! I have some ideas, I'm sure these changes can help to improve a little bit the game. As managers we are surely proud of our club, our team, so these changes are mostly focused for...
    Liked On: 06-03-2017, 01:56 PM
  3. mitkots94
    mitkots94 liked post by Israel Kullai On thread : 4 points by which the game could be improved a lot!!
    1) OBJECTIVES : Make seasonal/weekly/daily objectives like 'score more than 50 goals, win at least 10 games, etc. and put a prize (TOKEN) for completing that objectives. 2) TOP PLAYERS : Put a...
    Liked On: 06-03-2017, 01:55 PM
  4. mitkots94
    mitkots94 liked post by Van Banana On thread : Increasing Competition (Board of Directors+More)
    The whole point of this thread is to encourage competition and to also try and make tanking obsolete (Also because I think this would add nice new depth to the game). I have two ideas but the main...
    Liked On: 06-03-2017, 01:51 PM