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May 19
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  1. Iceman
    Iceman liked post by lalexrus On thread : 18 years old with 1% abilities?
    1. study the game before writing about ethics, you have mixed in a bunch of people and horses do not understand the principles of training players 2.ou are not a strategist or a business owner, you...
    Liked On: 01-04-2020, 08:12 PM
  2. Carlos M
    Carlos M liked post by lalexrus On thread : Negotiations are over ?
    Because they destroyed the training system, because it violates the mechanics of the game, because now the winner is not the one who spent time, effort on training players, learning the game... It's...
    Liked On: 06-22-2019, 10:31 PM
  3. siko232
    siko232 liked post by lalexrus On thread : Negotiations are over ?
    Because they destroyed the training system, because it violates the mechanics of the game, because now the winner is not the one who spent time, effort on training players, learning the game... It's...
    Liked On: 02-24-2019, 01:51 AM
  4. Altiplano
    Altiplano liked post by lalexrus On thread : Negotiations are over ?
    Because they destroyed the training system, because it violates the mechanics of the game, because now the winner is not the one who spent time, effort on training players, learning the game... It's...
    Liked On: 02-23-2019, 10:39 PM
  5. Richie72
    Richie72 liked post by lalexrus On thread : Negotiations are over ?
    Because they destroyed the training system, because it violates the mechanics of the game, because now the winner is not the one who spent time, effort on training players, learning the game... It's...
    Liked On: 02-23-2019, 11:00 AM
  6. Richie72
    Richie72 liked post by lalexrus On thread : [Announcement] - Negotiations Changes - Coming 3rd of March
    admins (nordeus) explain why you are so mocked ordinary managers? I understand that you want to destroy the farm - in fact, this decision is partial, and you consciously decide the issue in your...
    Liked On: 02-22-2019, 12:32 PM
  7. Damian Ogłaza
    Damian Ogłaza liked post by lalexrus On thread : [Announcement] Association Changes - Coming Feb. 3rd
    first, tankers have a lot of tokens. secondly, the costs of training players anything more than awards at the FA. Therefore, now these measures will not bring the expected result. PS to be honest-to...
    Liked On: 01-31-2019, 02:03 PM
  8. Mihai Razvan
    Mihai Razvan liked post by lalexrus On thread : [Announcement] Association Changes - Coming Feb. 3rd
    first, tankers have a lot of tokens. secondly, the costs of training players anything more than awards at the FA. Therefore, now these measures will not bring the expected result. PS to be honest-to...
    Liked On: 01-31-2019, 12:26 PM
  9. Kökbörü
    Kökbörü liked post by lalexrus On thread : [Announcement] Association Changes - Coming Feb. 3rd
    first, tankers have a lot of tokens. secondly, the costs of training players anything more than awards at the FA. Therefore, now these measures will not bring the expected result. PS to be honest-to...
    Liked On: 01-31-2019, 11:51 AM
  10. Aku Papua
    Aku Papua liked post by lalexrus On thread : 18 years old with 1% abilities?
    you would write an indication of a specific paragraph of the rules where it is indicated that this is illegal
    Liked On: 12-31-2018, 07:39 AM
  11. Aku Papua
    Aku Papua liked post by lalexrus On thread : 18 years old with 1% abilities?
    1. study the game before writing about ethics, you have mixed in a bunch of people and horses do not understand the principles of training players 2.ou are not a strategist or a business owner, you...
    Liked On: 12-31-2018, 07:11 AM
  12. IImaestroII
    IImaestroII liked post by lalexrus On thread : Santa's/Khristmas List TE 2019-2020
    Santa doesn't exist ([emoji808]╭╮[emoji808])
    Liked On: 12-25-2018, 03:59 PM
  13. khris
    khris liked post by lalexrus On thread : Santa's/Khristmas List TE 2019-2020
    Santa doesn't exist ([emoji808]╭╮[emoji808])
    Liked On: 12-24-2018, 04:53 PM
  14. Nebu
    Nebu liked post by lalexrus On thread : Santa's/Khristmas List TE 2019-2020
    Santa doesn't exist ([emoji808]╭╮[emoji808])
    Liked On: 12-24-2018, 08:45 AM
  15. Richie72
    Richie72 liked post by lalexrus On thread : Who see Better Than My Records?
    I will tell you that you have a bad and not balanced team-only one player actually scores. Not that player and never will be 83 goals.
    Liked On: 12-09-2018, 10:15 PM
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