SCOUT PLAYERS should be cheaper, they are very costly from the aspect of tokens.
SCOUT PLAYERS should be cheaper, they are very costly from the aspect of tokens.
And younger, no one scout a 28 year old player.
They should be 16-19.
And to justifies the 50 token price we should be able to take the SA we want.
Again no one in their right mind would scout a 28 year old DC with FS, PS or CS SA.
But for some reason that seems to be the only players my scout find :/
Maybe we should be able to upgrade the guy looking for scouts, or even better fire him
Edit: Just checked my scout and it is even worse, 2 of the defenders he found is 29 years oldone with CS and one with PS SA lol.
Last edited by Sven Spel; 01-15-2015 at 06:46 AM.
I signed 1 scout a 22yr old and he trained slower than a dead donkey, so as the saying goes once bitten twice shy so NEVER AGAIN, plus i have said this for over a year that scout`s SHOULD BE younger prime example back in day Scholes, Beckam, Owen, Gerrard now Sterling ,Berahino , no way would these player be 5 star and ohh all started at 17/18 and by 19 classed as world class player`s
15 Titles
10 Runner-up
5 Champions league
2 Runner-up
4 Cups
2 Runner-up
1 Treble
Scout players are seriously a joke. If you could make a scout look for a certain player, lets say a 22 yo shadow striker AMC and then when one comes along report to you - that would at least be reasonable. As is - it is completely useless.
I hope your sitting since the new update, Nordeus has prices their scout players ranging 39 TOKENS ( the pretty useless ones ) and up to 69!!!!!!!!!!! TOKENS for the most expensive ones, (im not going to state they are better, that is yet to be determined lol)
To top it off, the scout players usually have the weirdest setup, like defence and attack equal, (If i want an defender, I expect him to be a better defender than attacker, and vice versa.
However, as it is now, most scout players get somewhat better, once you train them up........
It would also be cool, if once in a while a team would get like an real talent, just like in real life........out of the youth training center.