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Thread: Few questions and sugestions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Few questions and sugestions

    Hello,i have a few questions and I woud like if any of more expirence player coud answer me.
    -Hows it possible that me (3rd level) and player level 45 bid for the sam player?
    -Is it still possible to buy tokens with phone, because its much sinplier that way, i dont need to use my c.card etc...
    -Am I crazy or the boths are biding up the token value of the player during the auction?
    Now suggestions
    First definitly transfer period on beggining of the season
    Token prices for first four in league plus CL, and SL winers
    And that we dont pay tokens for our your players, thats maybe most stupid thing in the game, they are ours, so we give the salary and thats it, thats why we build a youth centar, that we can have our players for cheap.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    The star quality of the player is the same
    The sale price will reflect the different levels
    For e.g.
    Your player is prized at 4 million
    His level may reflect at 40 million or higher depends on the level he's in

    I purchased my monthly card using my mobile

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    might agree with you about tokens for youth academy, but for me real problem isnt paying tokens for them, it is 0 influence you have about what kind of players academy produce, in last 3 seasons i got 1 mc, 1 st and rest was defensive line, and i needed aml and amr