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Thread: Requesting changes to game structure

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2022

    Requesting changes to game structure

    If you must charge us for resources at least make the prices reasonable because right now it's HIGHWAY ROBBERY. Having said this, I have suggested many times, and many agreed with me that, leagues must be as they are in real football. The first 4 promote the last 4 relegates the rest stay. ALL teams lose NO STARS. Player markets should be limited to certain times during the season, rewards must be valuable. Winners must receive tokens not just money, the monopoly money in this game is not useful unless one has tokens as well. Some functions within the game ought to be free as changing team names and player details. Rewards should be given across the board for all categories in the league and other competitions, such as top scorers, assists, and others. Why only the top scorer gets the rewards and why only in league? The reward system and the offers in the special events need to be also changed. Players cost too much, rewards are not enough and are difficult to achieve and there should be no buy-in to get back in the game, all plays ought to be free throughout the event. It's hard enough to advance then you want to charge us? Come on, please make this game fun to play because there seem to be a lot of disgruntled managers for all these reasons. Less greed and more fairness, please!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    I agree with all your points, Marco