I think I'm back again. I don't think I could ever live without playing a live football manager game against real human managers.
I really really hope for a superior alternative to Top Eleven.
Signature: Veteran manager just returning. Starting an assoc by the principles expressed in this thread ((https://forum.topeleven.com/associations/84654-new-assoc-ground-up.html).
Left because I'm convinced that the game is biased against me. Couldn't get past other teams even if inferior in knockout tourneys.
I hope my break reset something in the algorithm. Plus I connected my Facebook account. Hope that helps.
Signature: Veteran manager just returning. Starting an assoc by the principles expressed in this thread ((https://forum.topeleven.com/showthread.php).
Leaving again because of the new changes. 3 games a day is where I draw the line.
Signature: Veteran manager just returning. Starting an assoc by the principles expressed in this thread ((https://forum.topeleven.com/showthread.php).