Greetings managers!

It is time for our second "Design your own Jersey" competition. This time, we have a theme: animals! Here's another chance to have your design featured in Top Eleven. Taking part is easy!

First, download the following image:

(You can find the .png version here as well)

Then, edit it in your favorite image editor (even MS Paint will do) and post your work in this thread. You can use a free image-hosting service like Imgur or Photobucket.

The Rules:

  • The theme is animals! That means that the pattern must somehow be animal-related;
  • The image must be a pattern that works with two colors (what color your submission is doesn't matter, as long as it's only two);
  • Please do not draw emblems;
  • Each person may have up to three entries;
  • Do not copy other members' entries or use copyrighted images;
  • Do not worry whether your submission is rough around the edges. The Winning entries will go through our Art team before they hit the store. As long as the pattern is clear, it's good!
  • Submissions are done exclusively by posting in this thread.

Three winners will get the following prizes:

  • Your design will be featured in Top Eleven's Club Shop;
  • You get 100 tokens;
  • You also get a special forum title with its own color;
  • You get a copy of your jersey to use!

There will also be honorable mentions who will win a copy of their jersey from the Top Eleven Club Shop!

We will choose a total of three winners for this competition. Submissions are open until Friday, April 19 at 3PM GMT (that's 10AM EST).

Here are some great examples from our last competition that fit the theme:

NOTE: If your post does not appear in this thread, do not worry, it might have been caught in our overzealous spam-filter. We shall be moderating this thread and approving any invisible posts. If you have trouble registering on the forum, do not hesitate to contact Nordeus Support!