Ok. I will PM you so soon Carl. I'm just didnt get SIM Card yet to make registration a new acc fb. maybe tomorrow.
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only 2 days left to join us!!
My donation for a prize on Friendly Cup Competition have been ready..
so now we have 4 prizes your premium emblem 2 custom emblem designed through ingame editor and 1 jersey customized from editor.
so i think Winner of cup A gets premium emblem, runner up customized emblem. Winner of cup b customized emblem, runner up customized jersey
After Tytee82 joined us we now have 9 members in level1
This means 5 spots free guys
Only one day left!!
still 5 slots. may be the last time ever to join the 35t league....
Come on folks!!! This is a chance to play against some of the established forum members here and also enhance your playing experience somewhat by playing live matches against managers that often watch their games instead of playing inactives most of the time. This is ideal for players that have around 4-6 seasons experience on the game but its open to everyone including new players.
I would like to join as it's been a great first season playing Top 11 and interacting with you guys. I don't want to use my main team though as I'd like to build it up under 'standard' rules (ie using tokens unrestricted). For the benefit of other people in my position who would like to enter, how would I go about entering without having to use my main team?