Nothing in Bulgaria and only $$$ in Sweden. Confuzzled where are u from than? Guess packs are back for few countries only
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Nothing in Bulgaria and only $$$ in Sweden. Confuzzled where are u from than? Guess packs are back for few countries only
Well, over here (Austria) still not boosters... still only money...
But that leads me to something different...
Just read, that in other countries there are videos that make you earn token... (doesnt exist here, never mind).
But that again makes it pretty easy to calculate how much they are earning for some of the videos...
176 Token = ~15 € (if you buy), so 1 Token = 0,085€ ...
Now remember: When you buy/sell a player in direct negotiations, Nordeus gives you 1/3 of the token...
Dont think that they are spending more in above case...
i.e., some videos obviously gets them about 0,25€ per showing...
and that means, they will come back with the boosters sooner or later... too much cash they loose in case players are boycotting the videos...
Et ceterum censeo Videos should be boycotted until Nordeus rewards them with boosters again!
Can only watch money vids, if they don't want people to get to many rest packs etc why not put a daily limit on them or put a cap on how many you can have in storage, easy
nordeus are a bunch of dicks and they know it, the fkin hours ive put into this bull**** game and they ruin it, 2 days in a row the same player, top 3 player too, gets injured, yesterday had to use 15 reds to get in back into the squad and tonight hes injured again...nordeus u bunch of robbing b*****ds
bumbing back to 1st page. Robbeus wants your money and they dont give you anything back. DONT WATCH THE MONEYBOOSTER VIDEOS !!
How long has it been now? Over 2 weeks!
watched 5 token videos a few minutes ago. It said, 1 token per video and how much did i got? Just 2...
They dont rip you just off, they cheat you, too. This is the most ridiculous game i've ever played so far!
Edit: I watched 6 1T-videos now and got just 2!!!
Nordeus should give an answer why my friend and I have the booster videos and stuff, but other people don't. That's pretty unfair.
I was worried by the last update "re-introduced them to a part of the player base"