Not possible. I have 4 or 5 accounts. Only 1 is active. Vids are not working for my main, active account and also not for all the others inactive accounts except one. I can't really explain this, but it doesn't fit to what you said.
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Basically, we're stomping over a gigantic **** right now. Ot stinks so bad, but that's it until it wipes off alone. So play like boosters never existed untill they get them back (yeah sure).
I was able to gain 10 Blue Boosters, 6 Green Boosters and 7 Red Boosters yesterday. I had one "video" showing up for like 8 times (I had to answer a question about the advertisement), then another "video" showed up 8 times on which I had to answer a question about the advertisement aswell.
It's pretty awesome, but really: The developers should tell us why only several people have the videos.
Sorry but I am not reading this whole thread for the stuff I missed the past 2 weeks...did I just read that some people actually have booster vids??? I have not seen any on any of my accounts.
not like I have missed them anyways.
Go on read it, but yeah pretty much some people have and some people don't, July made a good point that it may be to do with how many you have farmed previously, so if you have farmed a lot you won't see the vids and if you have not farmed too much you should see the vids.
Time to start farming.
I guess!