This is seriously starting to piss me off, it feels like my matches are being fixed, how can I draw 1-1 to a team that is 15Q below me? I had a formation to counter his, he had an illegal formation with a 1 Star GK as a forward.
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This is seriously starting to piss me off, it feels like my matches are being fixed, how can I draw 1-1 to a team that is 15Q below me? I had a formation to counter his, he had an illegal formation with a 1 Star GK as a forward.
Attachment 9113
The first time I've won so high in the away match playing at 8 or 9 level..and the quality of my opponent was not so small(his 60.0 mine 65.4) What can be the reason?if it was because I had a 15 % ball possession or maybe the fact that I increased winning bonus from 400k to 1,2 mln just before the game???
3rd transfer this season after a scout and a 31yo 5*:
went to KO round 15/16.4m (now I'm in debt with ~3m). Some 1star noobie wanted him too, I dont get why they waste 15T for a premium player, why not buy some players at the end of the season, there u can get 18yo 4-5* for 1-3T (at least on my server)?
But training speed is disappointed, I really thought he would be faster: 42/61/91 on hard...
Actually he was a level above me and he is 2star for me, but for him its 1star.
If my team is average 1star, I dont buy the most expensive player there was on the market the entire season (no counting his 5* i dont see), but I buy multiple 3-4*. Yes I know, he tried to buy a 4star, but as I said, why the most expensive one?
And he is not really scout lvl, he is only Q47, so its not even that close.[/URL]
Today's CL match:
Another W for our team, but still we keep conceiding in the early stages of the match against much weaker teams, and we absolutely don't like that.
This German team was playing with a weird 4-1-1-2w-2, we tried 4-5-1v in the first half (1-1) but then switched to our trusty 4-1-2-1-2ND and scored two goals in the 2nd half and win the match.
Our 54Q scout ST Jùnior CAN'T score, 8 matches,1 goal so far, at least he gets good ratings and some assists from CKs
Goals Recap:
27' - Domìnguez
51' - S.Alifuoco (Jùnior)
83' - U.Alifuoco
formation to beat 4-1-3w-1-1 and order please