Yeah, he was a mr but they had a gk on the bench, funny!
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9/14 team in my league is indonesian ,,, hate this status
5 shoots all deflected by keeper in first 5 minutes for us, pressure for us, possession for us. 2 shots in 3 minutes for them, 2-0 for them
the things that i quickly learned that:
don't watch the match, only log in when it was about 45 minutes
There is and will always be a seat for you J.F :o
Ps. I'm not a "fan" of tanking or playing illegal/bad, but I didn't have any choice. Let's hope it get's better
LOL! I was thinking the same when I saw the news. But still they look "look-a-like" at the trophies I already have. Believe there is a small difference.
Season 6
My ambition is to win the domestic cup for the first time, as I've already won the CL twice and the league 4 times. I have a feeling I've met my match again today though.
46 tokens. as just bought more today after some frantic bidder made me use up most of my tokens and I still lost the player, doh.
25.6m in the bank but will go up slightly in about an hour after my next home cup game
No buy or sell bids at present. My current bidding tactic clearly isn't working today. I'll just have to rely on some of my special skilled players and hope for the best in my cup tie very shortly.
Haha,,,, believe he felt like this :p