Balkan United have confirmed 1 new signing this midnight. The 23yr old Romanian "Victor Baciu" for a total sum of 556K and 2T. He is expected to start against "IQB FC" tomorrow and revalued by performance. The Club have confirmed that they sold the 25yr old Simon Guerra (DL/DC) and the 32yr old Vladimir Abdikov (MC).
Guerra was sold due bad performance and suspension, while Abdikov was sold due his age and the fact that the Club needed to cover their financial expenses. Vladimir Abdikov will be remembered as a one of the best players that have been playing for Balkan Utd. He was also one of the best scorers with 7 goals (5 league + 2 cup).
Manager Ljepoje (Jr) also confirmed that 28yr old Kevin Arifi has been transfer listed. He will be leaving the Club by tomorrow. Ljepoje (Jr) stated that the Club will be in hunt for another ST + MC by tomorrow morning.