Currently using 4-1-4-1 with relative success!
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Maybe a option with 3n-5-2 v style since he shall attack trough the middle. I use 3n-5-2 V style against narrow diamond
red arrow aml/amr
normal/attacking, down both flanks, mixed/short no counter no offside or you must have fast defenders
or defensive with long passes
Like alwais, would us beat Alex FC, we'd face William Asset right next. What amazing way of sorting while in the lower part of the table there are 6 teams under 60Q and two personal trainers which will face only in the semifinals.
How to counter 4-1-3W-2 peeps?
New Team - Alex FC in 2 minutes.
0-2 for alex, 2 counters. Nuff said.
WD is useless vs hexagon, and so proved 4-4-2 flat. Only ND could turn possession for us, but that's all we got.