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Thread: Top Age Value

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Top Age Value

    I heard there was a tread where it states the top value for each age. anyone know of this or even know the answers?

    Also, am I right in saying that if say a (A) 20 y/o is a faster trainer than another (B) 20y/o, I understand that (A) value will be higher, but is that still the case if (B) man is a higher quality?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Palma, Mallorca
    if there are two 20yo, whichever one is higher in worth is supposed to be the faster trainer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by cracicot View Post
    if there are two 20yo, whichever one is higher in worth is supposed to be the faster trainer.
    I understand that. I guess my question is: I'm aware a players value goes down as they get older, but does a players value go up as there gain quality.

    for example: is there is a 20 y/o with a quality of 25 & value of 1.6m and another 20 y/o with a quality of 20 & value of 1m, how can you tell who is the faster trainer? or does the improvement in quality not up the value?

  4. #4
    Champion Dman2pt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Lisbon, portugal
    Yes, it will raise the value.
    You have to compare players with same quality, look at the price of scouts.
    Depending of the quality the diference between levels can be 50, 100, 150K, and a bit more whend reching the next star.
    I can say that at level 3 a 18 years old 5* costs around 5M, on level 4 8M, on level 2 i think is around 2,5 or 3M.