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Thread: Me esta empezando a defraudar top eleven.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Me esta empezando a defraudar top eleven.

    Me ha pasado una cosa increible. En la segunda eleiminatoria de copa he ganado el primer partido fuera de casa 1-2. El rival no esta presente y tampoco ningun amigo del rival, yo presente con 3 amigos y mi equipo con menos calidad.
    Aqui viene lo increible!!. He conseguido toKens y he fichado y vendido hasta ponerme a la altura del rival para afrontar el partido de vuelta en casa. Pues bien, el rival tampoco estaba presente y sin ningun amigo. Con calidades iguales, campo a favor, presencia con mi equipo, condicion y moral 100% y apoyo de mis amigos. He perdido 1-4. Quedo eliminado de copa. Que alguien me lo explique, por favor!!!.

    Top Eleven is failing me
    I have spent an incredible thing. In the second eleiminatoria Cup I won the first game away, 1-2. The opponent is not present, nor any clear friend, I present with 3 friends and my team with less quality.
    Here comes the incredible!. I've got tokens and have signed and sold to get up to the opponent to face the second leg at home. Well, the opponent was not present and without any friends. With the same quality, field Please presence with my team, and moral condition and 100% support from my friends. have beaten me 1-4. I removed the cup. You tell me, please!.
    Last edited by disama; 04-11-2014 at 02:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Champion Dman2pt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Lisbon, portugal
    The explanation is that in top 11 expect the unexpected.
    In the last seasons my CUP matches have always stupid results, i my main team i am now down by 4:1, same thing as you, better quality, watched the game, but i was away, i Will probably win my home game by 3:1 with there goal in the last minutes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Deberian pensar en cuidar todo esto y mejorar la aplicación, de lo contrario la gente seguirá cansandose y abandonarán el juego Top Eleven.
    Should think of all this care and improve the application, otherwise people will leave the game and tiring Top Eleven.