As usual the game decides to stab my chances in the cup early on..
Lost 4-2 to 9 players
Attachment 62225
Attachment 62226
Attachment 62227
I watched with 2 fans. He didn't.
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As usual the game decides to stab my chances in the cup early on..
Lost 4-2 to 9 players
Attachment 62225
Attachment 62226
Attachment 62227
I watched with 2 fans. He didn't.
I have to face this team in the CL. Apparently it arrived 3rd in the last season :rolleyes: Even if he lost all the remaining players due to contract, it's stilly crazy for a level 11, unless all the other teams were worse than this :rolleyes:
These teams shouldn't even keep playing
Attachment 62266Attachment 62267
Can't get the whole thing in one screen but here's a couple:
Attachment 62268
Attachment 62269
Note how he immediately scores after losing a player!
With so many people complaining about the cup and early eliminations, you can just guess how much I shat myself during this away match. 5 goals in the first match I only shot twice in the second one! Dafuq is going on? Yes, it was better than me, but not by much, it was more balanced than not.
Attachment 62344
So much for less injuries, day 2 and 2 broken feet, 7 days per player wtf???
First CL game a home match against a far weaker team
Almost 70% possession and he nearly beat me.
Until like the 70th minute I had only one shot at goal. Looks like my players were passing back and forth with the keeper.
Switched to hard attacking after that.
Attachment 62410