Cya mate, enjoy.
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Cya mate, enjoy.
you have set a good idea for the people. Carry on doing this cool stuff.
I'm so sick and tired of not having the PC version features of the mobile version!! I use the mobile version all the time and the PC like one in a month and I would love to have trophies and flags in the mobile version! Will I even get a trophy if i win league in mobile app??!!! PLEASE ADD MORE FEATURES TO THE TOP ELEVEN APP!
Really how many more injuries will happen this season...Every day 2 injuries are happening...And all to my fast trainers...
Deleted to prevent curses
Had enough of this game.
Far too many freak results. Yes **** can happen but I have lost 4 times and drawn 5 times to teams that are 2-3 stars below me in quality.
I have never bought tokens but still managed to build a team with seven 6 star players and one 7 star player. All my other players are 5 star. My team is at least one star better than the nearest team in the league. I always use the correct counter formation/tactics and makes sure that morale/fitness are above 90.
Yet I keep losing/drawing to bot teams who don't have manager present. Why? I always seem to get one or more injuries per game or worse I get a player red carded despite having normal tackling. I have even had players red carded when tackling is set to soft.
I dread facing Thai or Vietnamese teams - they always seem to get a result - despite being 10-20 points worse off than me.
I have checked their teams and going by start date they have been promoted every season. That's what is now making me suspicious. Nordeus claim you can't cheat but clearly don't have a clue. My brother who is a games software developer laughed when he saw that claim. He says that the particular platfirm they are using is notoriously insecure.
I agree. I 'm off - too many cheats and a company who's only interest is milking tokens from gullible morons.
I can't believe it. My best player just broke his leg in a god damn stretching session. HE BROKE HIS LEG WHILST STRETCHING. Is that even possible? Oh yeah I forget to mention that he's my only ST and I have no one to replace him. And guess what, tomorrow I play in the most important match of the season against the second placed side and if I lose I end up finishing second due to goal difference. Just great, now I have to sell him and buy someone else.
The vent thread #3 is Awesome!!! LOL!! i like watching people rage!!!
La mia non è una domanda bensì una affermazione. non spenderò mai più un euro per questo gioco che decide prima chi deve vincere. è una farsa. sembra che qualche partita si arbitrata da un arbitro venduto talmente è palese la volontà di far perdere una partita
Just played a Champion's League game where EVERY ONE of my players was at least two stars better than the opponent and nearly lost! Tied the game at 1-1 in the 85th minute. WTF? Poor team chemistry due to injuries? All starters were at least at 80%, all injured players were in the reserves . . .