Yesterday night i was seeing my scout list, and for my nightmare i acidentaly toughest on the screen, so i said goodbye to 50T and got a scout that i dont need.
This is the problem of using iPad whend you are already half asleep. It already happened before on the market, but this time was serious, i was saving them during 4 seasons.
I had to sell my DMC Roudaut, he was having to many injurys anyway.
This is my New player
Attachment 23746
In today LEAGUE match, i finaly manage to win, 2:1 at home against 7th, i already dont have any chance of promotion.
My New AMC entered in 2nd half to score the winning goal. Maybe i needed him after all.
Now i am thinking, since he is already near the 7th star, i Will stay same level, how many greens do i need to make him a 9* player?