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Thread: Champions League WHAT IS GOING ON HERE ?????????????

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Champions League WHAT IS GOING ON HERE ?????????????

    Ok so day 2 and I thought I'd check out my group in the champions league, I'm on level 23 and I find in my group two level 27 players who I am nowhere in comparison with.

    Having checked other groups most are level 23 players with a few level 24 players and there's maybe 1 or 2 level 25 players and I think 1 level 27 player.

    Not only am I in a ridiculous <redacted> group which I'm almost certain to go out unless I pull of some miraculous football... on this game, yea right maybe ill grow an extra set of <redacted> too.

    Any of you guys got the same? when was this announced in regards to this huge change in the champions league, I'm level 23 and yes I won the league last season but season before only second and before that 3rd so I'm nowhere near the skill of a level 27 player, I'm level 23 and that's it.

    NORDEUS ANSWER THIS AND EXPLAIN I put time into this game I don't expect to be <redacted> like this in regards to the groups, no other teams have two level 27 players who are level 23 but me ??????????????????????
    Last edited by Sxrenity; 06-02-2014 at 06:41 PM. Reason: Language