View Poll Results: Do you like the new features and design in Top Eleven 2015?

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  • Yes, I like it

    66 15.71%
  • No, I don’t like it

    206 49.05%
  • Needs more improvement

    148 35.24%
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  1. #671
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    If you installed and launched the update on your mobile, it will have assigned the points. The browser version (Facebook and main site) does not do that (unless you click the button to do so.) I have several teams and I just checked, they still have points in hand, but I have not updated the app in my phone.
    Last edited by Cat Harrison; 02-02-2015 at 07:30 AM.
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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  2. #672
    Apprentice Soham_NagpurBluesFC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K_6 View Post
    Auto assign appeared on facebook too this night???
    Or it's "just" a bug?
    I play no more on android version, and this morning i discovered than 1 of my players is now 6*, WTF?? (and i didn't get notification for that)
    Yeah.. i also experienced it.. i had like 42 skill points stacked up , and now i have 0 ._.

    Level 6 Season 6

  3. #673
    K_6 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Harrison View Post
    If you installed and launched the update on your mobile, it will have assigned the points. The browser version (Facebook and main site) does not do that (unless you click the button to do so.) I have several teams and I just checked, they still have points in hand, but I have not updated the app in my phone.
    Ok, but i already uninstalled the updated app before (like 3/4 days ago).

    Ok, sorry for you too Soham

  4. #674
    Champion Dman2pt's Avatar
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    I am only waiting for the beggining of next season.
    Day 1 and not income from tokens, day 2 same thing, day 3 and they Will start doing some changes.

    I think they Will only wake up, after seeing that with this bad UPDATE The majority of token buyers Will not spend money on the game.

  5. #675
    K_6 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dman2pt View Post
    I am only waiting for the beggining of next season.
    Day 1 and not income from tokens, day 2 same thing, day 3 and they Will start doing some changes.

    I think they Will only wake up, after seeing that with this bad UPDATE The majority of token buyers Will not spend money on the game.
    I hope you're right, that people stop buying tokens.
    if no, there's no reason for them to change this fu**ing update....

  6. #676
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    Quote Originally Posted by K_6 View Post
    I hope you're right, that people stop buying tokens.
    if no, there's no reason for them to change this fu**ing update....
    Correct. The only way that any notice will be taken is if it costs them money.

    My planning is already on for the season after NEXT because I'm not buying anything extra, so it's got to be long-term planning.

  7.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #677
    Moi is offline
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    An update from Top Eleven team

    There has been a lot of debate regarding the disappearance of skill points. When we introduced them a couple of years ago, they were meant to serve as a way for our users to improve a group of skills relevant to player's role in the team, while also offering a quick overview of the player's potential. But a pattern emerged with a small number of our users where they started stockpiling skill points. It doesn't make much sense for the results of the training to have an effect e.g. four weeks after the training originally occurred.

    That is why we decided to keep the same functionality, while optimising the training flow for majority of players. After the training is completed or after a match is finished, players' skills will immediately improve. The ability to focus the progress on a specific group of skills can still be set from the player popup, the same way you could previously manually assign skill points, just with less clicks.

    On the other hand, we failed to properly communicate the lack of Special Ability and Roles training. It was never intended for them to be removed from the game, but the last-minute bugs caused the delay in releasing it with the 2015 update. You can expect them to come back soon, in one of the future updates. What you should know is that if your player has started one of these two trainings, he will continue to focus on them during the training, even though there is no way for you to see that. Top Eleven team is sorry for all of the confusion that this has caused.

    We would like to thank the community for the feedback that we received. Expect a lot more to come in the next couple of months.

    - Top Eleven Team

  8. #678
    VIP spornybol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dman2pt View Post
    I am only waiting for the beggining of next season.
    Day 1 and not income from tokens, day 2 same thing, day 3 and they Will start doing some changes.

    I think they Will only wake up, after seeing that with this bad UPDATE The majority of token buyers Will not spend money on the game.
    the same as when when they screwed update with Transfer market took them month`s to get so called feedback from us, basically they where losing money because no-one was buying tokens as there where no player`s to bid on, now they better start listening NOW rather than later as player`s WILL LEAVE
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  9. #679
    Dreamer seanmeg's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Moi;321807] But a pattern emerged with a small number of our users where they started stockpiling skill points. It doesn't make much sense for the results of the training to have an effect e.g. four weeks after the training originally occurred.

    More nonsense,if i purchase a young player with the following season in mind,i hardly want him training rapidly and progressing quickly whilst not having a guaranteed place in my starting 11, i want too improve him,add the skill points and introduce him to my playing squad/s when i want too. Just like any premier league club who powers up a young player out of sight or in the reserves and then brings him on when ready. Just stop all these pathetic excuses, Nordeus will have too revert or lose many managers and profits,we know it ,so why? cant you grasp it.
    Gert Funck likes this.
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  10. #680
    VIP spornybol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moi View Post
    There has been a lot of debate regarding the disappearance of skill points. When we introduced them a couple of years ago, they were meant to serve as a way for our users to improve a group of skills relevant to player's role in the team, while also offering a quick overview of the player's potential. But a pattern emerged with a small number of our users where they started stockpiling skill points. It doesn't make much sense for the results of the training to have an effect e.g. four weeks after the training originally occurred.

    That is why we decided to keep the same functionality, while optimising the training flow for majority of players. After the training is completed or after a match is finished, players' skills will immediately improve. The ability to focus the progress on a specific group of skills can still be set from the player popup, the same way you could previously manually assign skill points, just with less clicks.

    On the other hand, we failed to properly communicate the lack of Special Ability and Roles training. It was never intended for them to be removed from the game, but the last-minute bugs caused the delay in releasing it with the 2015 update. You can expect them to come back soon, in one of the future updates. What you should know is that if your player has started one of these two trainings, he will continue to focus on them during the training, even though there is no way for you to see that. Top Eleven team is sorry for all of the confusion that this has caused.

    We would like to thank the community for the feedback that we received. Expect a lot more to come in the next couple of months.

    - Top Eleven Team
    i save 50 skill to either give new position or ability but i get say a player with a player with ability from transfer market e,g a defender that`s dc with heading ability then i can use saved skill for blocking ability, i won`t train player till i know if i need this ability so i will havel no control on how i can train player, even in real life it take time to train player`s, Look at Steven Gerrard he started as DR when he made his debut for Liverpool he did not suddenly become one of best midfield player`s over night, NO it took time and training
    Cat Harrison likes this.
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