Good day,
I was number 2 in the competition before the update. Then a stroke of bad luck hit me like a truck going 200 miles per hour. I was loosing games where I had 25 shots and 11 on goal and didn't score, while the advisary had 9 shots and 3 on goal and he won 2:0. I was ok, that happens. Since the update I have won like 3 games, tied 3 and lost 6-7. Almost every game I dominated by 10 to 40%. I couldn't believe what was happening. What happened though was that my all my players from midfield to strikers went from solid 8's to 4-5 players. The statistic would look like this 7-8-7-8-9-5-4-6-5-4-4. And that didn't happen to one player, no it happened to 8 players from my team. What kind of nonsense is that?
I dropped from place 2 to 7. The game that I lost and dropped me to place 7 was again a game where I was stronger, more shots on goal, his goalie made 7 saves, I was already going 9 shots and 3 on goal and his first attack/shot is of course a goal. My stamina and morale was max. My bonus was max. I was attending and had 60% possession, etc... This was against the number 13. So for the last game of the season I thought, screw it, I don't want to promote. I put up all my replacements, removed the bonus, didn not increase the morale nor the stamina. So I had players with 50% morale

and went up against the number 2 of the competition. This player had the same formation as the number 13 and guess what. I lost this game only with 1:0. This is just ridiculous. I should have lost this game 10:0 or something.
I guess I have to thank my defense for that since they keep performing well (7 to 8 on average) but overall I have 73 quality strikers in the 65-69 class that cannot score goals against 3 or 4 star defenders. Am I the only one experiencing this. I have never seen 8 players get out of shape like this.