I won 7-0 in the league very easy game :D but 2 hours later I had the Champions and he played ultra defensive with ALL of his players with blue arrows... It finished 0-0 away but I'm still first in the group and it's not a bad result...
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I won 7-0 in the league very easy game :D but 2 hours later I had the Champions and he played ultra defensive with ALL of his players with blue arrows... It finished 0-0 away but I'm still first in the group and it's not a bad result...
Ya game engine is on a particular troll mood lately, even more than at start. I faced this abandoned team in CL which had an injury right since minute 8. Yet for all the remaining time we weren't able to score more than 2 goals, and they even had some occasions.
Champion's League, matchday 3:
New Team 2 - 0 Maestro
Pointless to make a resume, so screens will tell enough of the story.
On a side note, i REALLY don't know what to do with Julian Ross. It's a last year's scout on Q36 which in 6 games managed a 4-4-5-7-4-4 rating. As soon as he got a yellow card i immediatly subbed him, i feared he would end the match right after few mins. Should i sell it? .-. might let him take the bench for a while, but i don't really know how to deal with game's engine on those things.
On the other side, i can't really be that much pissed. I followed Bakuretsu's CL match against another abandoned team with about 11 quality less then them. And another proof of game engine's trolling was in the result: 1-1 with the other team playing first in 10, then in 9 ppl. On top of that my friend told me later that his dmc suffered a broken foot and will be out 8 days (for my giggling :3), lol, talk bout trolls.
Well i really disagree on this 1, it never happens to me. The league and CL is now not about winning or losing. Its about how many goals my lads is going to score.
It has gone to the extend that I have decide not to post my league and CL result until the end of season and now I find the cup as the only challenging part in T11.
Perhaps your team is an exception, A team full of legends playing in L2 against some inactive teams, so likely hood your going to score a bucket load of goals every game, Its when your 10-15 quality average ahead the trolls seem to hit you the most. I lost my 1st game in the league for over 3 seasons, 81 games, disappointed because a new club record was indeed insight but thats gone as well. everything just seems pathetic at the moment.
Cl update:
Attachment 3578
Goals: Mosqueda (3.), Clemens (17.), Kunz (23., 30., 35., 54., 72., 86.), Fathi (26.), Lindeborg (32.), Wagner (90.)
Red cards: Espinoza (30., Rodrigo FC)
Injuries: Purt (30., FCK), Gürser (83., FCK) :mad:
MOTM: Kunz :cool:
Disappointing match for Ottawa Blue Claw during the 3-2 lost for CL. :( and 6-2 win for League. I am at my girlfriends house. So there will no conferences for today. I'm sorry guys :(