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Thread: Jeb Bush commercials

  1. #1
    vad is offline
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Jeb Bush commercials

    Apparently starting today all commercials on T11 (on iOS at least) are for Jeb Bush presidential campaign, here's some additional information, so to speak.

    Jeb! Bush: Worst Candidate Ever

    Jeb Bush, worst candidate ever: Does this man even want to be president?

    Bush-Nazi connection

    As if we did not have enough of this family.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    I like the one he ruins Marco Rubio, LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by vad View Post
    Apparently starting today all commercials on T11 (on iOS at least) are for Jeb Bush presidential campaign, here's some additional information, so to speak.

    Jeb! Bush: Worst Candidate Ever

    Jeb Bush, worst candidate ever: Does this man even want to be president?

    Bush-Nazi connection

    As if we did not have enough of this family.