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Thread: Is this cheating???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Is this cheating???

    Hi everyone,

    Although I'm not a new manager, I consider myself a novice in many aspects. I wanted to ask this prestigious community a question: Does this manager cheat? I would not have an issue with the fact that he has the financial resources to buy all these stars, but what strikes me is the fact that he has all the bad ones to compensate for an unreal low star average. Is this by design? Of course he is crushing the competition and is in first place with a 15 point advantage over the 2nd place team. Thanks for reading!

    Is this cheating???-capture.jpg

  2. #2
    Champion El Pistolero's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    No. Not cheating just more money than sense. He could probably tank and still win the treble.

    I would love to ask him "where is the challenge?"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by bramartins View Post
    Hi everyone,

    Although I'm not a new manager, I consider myself a novice in many aspects. I wanted to ask this prestigious community a question: Does this manager cheat? I would not have an issue with the fact that he has the financial resources to buy all these stars, but what strikes me is the fact that he has all the bad ones to compensate for an unreal low star average. Is this by design? Of course he is crushing the competition and is in first place with a 15 point advantage over the 2nd place team. Thanks for reading!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Capture.JPG 
Views:	153 
Size:	96.6 KB 
ID:	61563
    no...not "cheating" ...this one is better...i saw one is only have 7 star in the first 11 and all the rest are 1 Q 20 something....while in LV8 and he won all the 3 title even season.... (he will sell 4-5 first team at the end of the season)
    reddeviljohn likes this.

  4. #4
    Famous HairDryer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Pistolero View Post
    No. Not cheating just more money than sense. He could probably tank and still win the treble.

    I would love to ask him "where is the challenge?"
    The challenge is to win the trible 1 cup lost is terrible consider a failure. ๐Ÿ˜†
    El Pistolero and Let's Rock like this.

  5. #5
    Apprentice ponzu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bramartins View Post
    what strikes me is the fact that he has all the bad ones to compensate for an unreal low star average. Is this by design?
    It is by design. Having low rated players allows him to get easier draws for Cup and League. If you ask him, he will say he does it all to win the Cup, and that the League is like a playground. His dominance may upset you, but he is not thinking about you, he is thinking about the Cup, Or perhaps he is thinking about winning the trifecta (League + Cup + CL), known as the "treble" around here.

    This method of artificially lowering the average quality of the entire squad (or the top 14 as far as Cup is concerned) is well documented, much discussed and generally accepted by most managers at higher levels as the necessary evil if one is to be competitive in the Cup. I really do believe it is an example of a prisoner's dilemma. Everyone would be better off if no one used this method, but everyone is better off personally using it.

    One thing I doubt is that the manager in question has money to burn. Assuming the low rated players come from his academy, they all have Russian names (except for one). That would make him Russian. Unless he just likes Russia and Russian soccer (now there is a joke!). If he is Russian, he is likely to have more time and technical skills that money. He is probably farming for tokens and boosters, either legitimately or with a hack.

    As an American friend of mine says, if you are not cheating, you are not trying. I am surprised Russians did not come up with this saying, because it is pretty much their life's philosophy.
    Last edited by ponzu; 01-26-2016 at 09:04 PM.
    Bunzo likes this.
    Team Orange Roughies | Last season league winners, Cup and CL finalists | Season 11 | Level 11

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  6. #6
    VIP Gert Funck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bramartins View Post
    Hi everyone,

    Although I'm not a new manager, I consider myself a novice in many aspects. I wanted to ask this prestigious community a question: Does this manager cheat? I would not have an issue with the fact that he has the financial resources to buy all these stars, but what strikes me is the fact that he has all the bad ones to compensate for an unreal low star average. Is this by design? Of course he is crushing the competition and is in first place with a 15 point advantage over the 2nd place team. Thanks for reading!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Capture.JPG 
Views:	153 
Size:	96.6 KB 
ID:	61563
    No this is not cheating, there are no rules against it, immoral? maybe.

    the real issue is a faulty draw system.
    HoofDaddy likes this.
    Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -

    considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothing and pay to win has become to dominante

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  7. #7
    Famous HoofDaddy's Avatar
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    Yeah cup should be teams from within 3 leagues of each other with the top 4 from the lowest league, middle 5 from the middle league, and bottom 4 from the highest. That way trebles would be harder for teams than deliberately lower quality and have easy leagues while tankers that spend a season developing players would have something to shoot for while still having a challenge.
    Renamed to Bolton Wanderers Season 27.
    League Winners: 3,5,8,16,21,24,26,30,31,40
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    The Hoof is the Proof.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by bramartins View Post
    Hi everyone,

    Although I'm not a new manager, I consider myself a novice in many aspects. I wanted to ask this prestigious community a question: Does this manager cheat? I would not have an issue with the fact that he has the financial resources to buy all these stars, but what strikes me is the fact that he has all the bad ones to compensate for an unreal low star average. Is this by design? Of course he is crushing the competition and is in first place with a 15 point advantage over the 2nd place team. Thanks for reading!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Capture.JPG 
Views:	153 
Size:	96.6 KB 
ID:	61563
    If he started the season with that team he would be in a Cup draw with most other teams up to 3 levels higher than him and he would also be in a very difficult league draw.
    I'd guess his team looked nothing like that on the first day. He would only have 6 high Q players to go with his 8 low Q.
    If you check his player stats you will see how many games each player has played and can work out all the guys who were brought in in the first few days.
    He almost definitely spends money on the game as well.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Hi everyone,

    Thank you for your responses. I checked his 7+ star players' stats and he has 10 with 20+ matches with the club (meaning: over 1 season) and only 3 with 16 matches or less (new players this season).

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by bramartins View Post
    Hi everyone,

    Thank you for your responses. I checked his 7+ star players' stats and he has 10 with 20+ matches with the club (meaning: over 1 season) and only 3 with 16 matches or less (new players this season).
    If he had 10 'scouts' at the start of the season then I'm struggling to see how he got drawn in a league where no one else has a similar team.
    It certainly challenges the theory on here that your league draw is dependent on the average of the best 11 players.

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