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Thread: Did you get any help from the new Attack - Defense bonus ?

  1. #11
    Dreamer sparklinginsilence's Avatar
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    Didnt realize untill final day of season that i have to activate the bonuses. Being present for the match aint enough #facepalm

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    I usually start with condition (with D orders) Switch to N around 30 minutes in then use an attacking bonus until I am in a game winning position. My starting 11 are always 99% fitness and my lads have won a few games this season with late goals. Can I say it always works? Nope. But it adds to the fantasy element of the game.

    I have only used possession once and never defensive bonus.

    I'm just won my league and the CL this season.
    madflo19 and Silverwolf13 like this.

  3. #13
    VIP Gert Funck's Avatar
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    I'm still unsettled by this. When not able to watch, this seems like a huge disadvantage, if working
    And to be fair, I have a job and is not able to watch every single match
    Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -

    considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothing and pay to win has become to dominante

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  4. #14
    Dreamer motrin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gert Funck View Post
    I'm still unsettled by this. When not able to watch, this seems like a huge disadvantage, if working
    And to be fair, I have a job and is not able to watch every single match
    I wish we could schedule the bonuses pre match for this situation
    Gert Funck likes this.

  5. #15
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    I don't think attack and defense bonus helped me.
    Not sure about ball possession.
    Condition is working.

  6. #16
    Famous Abhinavsharma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    I don't think attack and defense bonus helped me.
    Not sure about ball possession.
    Condition is working.
    Bonus possesion helped me as I play defensively counter attacks.

  7. #17
    Apprentice ponzu's Avatar
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    Offensive and defensive, yes. These are my scores from the competition matches this season: 3-1, 3-0, 4-0, 4-2, 8-0, 4-1, 5-0. Scoring is way up, goals conceded are low. But this a new thing this season. Last season was up and down with the same bonuses.

    Possession, maybe. Hard to gauge. I always have a favorable possession ratio, but this can be due to any number of reasons. Training bonus could be one of them.

    Condition, I don't think so. My squad is just as tired after a match as they used to be. Perhaps if I did not have a 10% Condition bonus, they would get more tired than they used to. I am not going to find out.

    Now why are some of you saying you have to be present at the match to activate the bonuses? Is this official? You are not confusing activation with boosting? I expect I am getting 10% bonus across the board and I get to boost one of those to 15% if I am watching. I usually boost Attack the first two times, Possession or Condition afterwards (assuming I am up by two).
    Team Orange Roughies | Last season league winners, Cup and CL finalists | Season 11 | Level 11

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  8. #18
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Now why are some of you saying you have to be present at the match to activate the bonuses?
    What ?
    I think you missed something.
    Those bonus : Attack - Defense - ball possession - condition
    is what you get when you set a team of players in the new training.
    It's 2 -4- 6 -8 -10%.
    When you 're watching your game, go to the bottom button (bellow managers/friends button), you click and you have 4 choices.
    Those 4 bonus.
    You click the one you want to activate.
    You can't do that if not watching the game - be careful
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 09-11-2016 at 01:21 PM.
    Gert Funck likes this.
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  9. #19
    Famous Abhinavsharma's Avatar
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    Attcking bonus is best for extreme situation of games,eg start and end.
    Defending bonus is best in the middle of play.
    Bonus posesion is best for passes.
    Condition bonus at last is best for high pressing.
    Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..

  10. #20
    Apprentice ponzu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    I think you missed something.
    Those bonus : Attack - Defense - ball possession - condition
    is what you get when you set a team of players in the new training.
    It's 2 -4- 6 -8 -10%.
    When you 're watching your game, go to the bottom button (bellow managers/friends button), you click and you have 4 choices.
    Those 4 bonus.
    You click the one you want to activate.
    You can't do that if not watching the game - be careful
    I think (hope) you missed something. Unless someone has read (and can show me) something that T11 said differently, I believe it works like this:

    By training, you earn your team the four bonuses for the day. Mine are always at 10%, except for when they drop to 8% and I have to work to get them back up, hopefully, before the next match.

    That means, every match your team plays that day, it will have these bonuses. Whether you watch or not and whether you press the button or not while watching.

    Then, as an added incentive to watch live, you get to BOOST any one bonus for about 25 minutes of game time by 50%. So your attack bonus, say, goes to 15%, while the rest stay at 10%.
    Arion and nikolgiorgos like this.
    Team Orange Roughies | Last season league winners, Cup and CL finalists | Season 11 | Level 11

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