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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: Admins need help

  1. #11
    Dreamer Alessio Fitch's Avatar
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    Well, so my best player has 115 defense vs 135 attack...He was man of the match Today, so the skills were added 4% to heading and 1% to physical...And the balance it's still there only by 0.2 more defense than attack...That guy with those players I've psoted, has his entire team like that, and that's not the only 26years player who looks like that. It's not possible to have players with such big differences between his skills categories, as for me this last match just proved it...

  2.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #12
    Moi is offline
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    You need to stop calling other users "hackers" or "cheaters" just because you've seen some high quality players on their teams. Please understand that many people playing this game purchase tokens.

    On the other hand, if you think someone is a cheater, please report him to our Support team by pressing the ingame Help button (question mark "?" button, next to Settings). They will check that for you.
    飞天雪地 likes this.

  3. #13
    Dreamer Alessio Fitch's Avatar
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    So you are just making an assumption I'm a free player or what ? Trust me I'm NOT ! I also buy tokens and have loads in my account...So don't make false assumptions either about people you don't actually know. And I think you've msised the whole point..If this new training system can have a higher gap of 20points between different skills, then how come a 26 years player has that gap also? Plus for me it's not adding more skills to attack and it keeps the 20points gap even with new training monsieur Moi .Do the math, you know better when new training was brought into play..THANKS !

  4. #14
    Dreamer Alessio Fitch's Avatar
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    Again, I've just had another match, Man of the match my best player, and skills were added mostly to defense keeping the gap to 20points difference between my attack and defense..Currently 115.9 defense to 135.7 attack...It's easy to ignore some true facts, as I can see....

  5. #15
    Dreamer motrin's Avatar
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    Mine definitely does not maintain a 20pt gap. Defense of my ST is 30 points lower than attack and fitness.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

  6.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #16
    Moi is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alessio Fitch View Post
    So you are just making an assumption I'm a free player or what ? Trust me I'm NOT ! I also buy tokens and have loads in my account...So don't make false assumptions either about people you don't actually know. And I think you've msised the whole point..If this new training system can have a higher gap of 20points between different skills, then how come a 26 years player has that gap also? Plus for me it's not adding more skills to attack and it keeps the 20points gap even with new training monsieur Moi .Do the math, you know better when new training was brought into play..THANKS !
    I didn't make any assumptions, I am just talking about the title of the thread, which was directly saying "there's a cheater here!", something you don't know. As I was saying, if you suspect someone may be cheating, contact our Support team as they will verify that really quickly. Just click the question mark "?" button, next to Settings in your Top Eleven app, to open the Help and then submit a ticket adding screenshots and all data you can about the issue.

  7. #17
    Dreamer Alessio Fitch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moi View Post
    I didn't make any assumptions, I am just talking about the title of the thread, which was directly saying "there's a cheater here!", something you don't know. As I was saying, if you suspect someone may be cheating, contact our Support team as they will verify that really quickly. Just click the question mark "?" button, next to Settings in your Top Eleven app, to open the Help and then submit a ticket adding screenshots and all data you can about the issue.
    I did that thanks ! And you know better when new training came in play, so you should know if 2 26 years old players, could had been boosted like that..Cause it had to happen he was 21 years old maximum, correct ?

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