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Thread: Same human teams in the league three seasons in a row

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Same human teams in the league three seasons in a row

    I'm in level 39 this season.

    For the past three seasons, I have been stuck with the same six other human-controlled teams in a league, complete with other computer-generated bad teams. Three seasons ago, there was one extra human team, but he finished in eighth place, failed to advance with us and never seen again.

    Are there really that few teams up here? I see no shortage of level 42-45 teams in the Cup bracket. I'm sick and tired of playing against the same group of people many months in a row.
    efc123 likes this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    i kinda dig playing against the same guys. it's like we are one big happy family
    Bunzo and osos4ever like this.

  3. #3
    Dreamer Sons of Pitches's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Charleston, SC
    are they on your friends list? If so, delete them. You will get a different draw next season

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    same here. Level 20, but facing the same 7 teams last season, and 6 this season (1 didn't promote). Only 1 of them is in my friend list, so i don't think it matters deleting him off.

    I won previous 2 season, hopefully able to win it again...
    osos4ever likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Sons of Pitches View Post
    are they on your friends list? If so, delete them. You will get a different draw next season
    Only one of them is on my friends list.

    And I lied. I looked at my records. This is actually the fourth straight season with the same seven teams, not three. The first of these seasons had no computer-generated teams. The second of these seasons had eight humans and six computers. The two latest seasons have the same seven humans and seven different computers.
    One of the other six teams was also in my league five seasons ago.

    Can the admins get some statistics from the devs, like a bar chart, that shows the number of active teams in each level? Are there really just seven teams in my level? The way things look right now, we will always get promoted together, and be stuck with each other forever.
    Season 71, Level 61

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Perry Sih View Post
    Only one of them is on my friends list.
    You may connect to a friend network in your league through your only friend in this league. To try to avoid grouping with them in same league again, you may unfriend him before the end of this season.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    In real life the same teams play against each other for decades.
    And yes. The thing is about friends. If you unfriend all the teams from your league, you will not play with them again next season

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by cookizzz View Post
    You may connect to a friend network in your league through your only friend in this league. To try to avoid grouping with them in same league again, you may unfriend him before the end of this season.
    I checked with that friend. I'm his only friend in the league.

    Also, even if we were all friends, there could always be other human teams in my league, instead of all computers.
    Season 71, Level 61

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Perry Sih View Post
    I checked with that friend. I'm his only friend in the league.

    Also, even if we were all friends, there could always be other human teams in my league, instead of all computers.
    I believe you are very likely at top level of your server. But it is coincident that friends are grouped together in same league again since about 3 seasons ago,

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I sent message to support, and they replied very quickly. They basically "somewhat" agree to my notion that the number of teams at my level (39) and above are few, which could cause things like this to happen.

    I think that, in order to get to my level, one must play for at least three years and a bit. Suffice to say very few people have my kind of dedication. My problem does not happen in the middle levels, where the bulk of the managers are because they joined later than I did.

    This sucks. It's like I've hit the endgame.
    Season 71, Level 61

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