Breaking news - New Top 11 version 5.6
Please take a look at this new version, the auction function. This is the craziest version I have ever seen so far.
1. We will bid on the same players with all managers from different levels!
2. The "lose auction get tokens back" update was still implemented although most of us said NO!
3. The waiting time is shorten to 4 mins.
4. But I saw some very good looking players on auction, just bought a ST/AML with 80% condition and good moral, seems like a Nordgen.
5. You have to keep trying to sell a player due to very short bidding period, but if your player is good a bidding war will easily occur. I just sold a 18 yrs old ST with penalty spec, good price. But you won't be able to see who buy your player so no matter what bidding war occurs you won't see it until you see the final "sold out" notice as before.
OMG, this is crazy, really insane!