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  • 1 Post By Ποσιδονας
  • 2 Post By f1madman
  • 1 Post By Altiplano
  • 1 Post By KenoticFC
  • 1 Post By Kto

Thread: Chat problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Post Chat problems

    i cant chat with people in my league. I want to be able to chat with people in every competition.
    the only possible chat option is with the association. But then I'm playing my league with many friends, i want to be able to make them know each other. Or just let them know how happy I am to be playing against them. I want to be able to chat in every competition.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2017
    For whatever reason Nordeus doesn't want you to chat with other players. They haven't said so explicitly but in my opinion if they wanted you to then they would have implemented it already.

  3. #3
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    I 'm not in a mood to have any chat with my opponents and I feel happy only when I win my games.
    The only reason for chatting is if they could offer me some official or premium jersey so to loose the game against them
    KenoticFC likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    I'd love to chat even if its to say "good game".... But probably trolling would be the best use of it

    Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
    KenoticFC and Niddhoeggr like this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by f1madman View Post
    I'd love to chat even if its to say "good game".... But probably trolling would be the best use of it

    Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
    Trolling. For sure. Along with abusive verbal abuse.
    Chat in associations or Facebook cos it's never gonna happen in top eleven. And that's no bad thing.
    KenoticFC likes this.

  6. #6
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    That's true that's how online games go. In another online game I used to play you could only chat with your friends. After beating someone he sends me a request, I accept without thinking much and he starts insulting like mad lol. I was in a good mood that day, calmed him and actually made him friend.
    Altiplano likes this.

  7. #7
    Tons of terrabytes with hate speech would be produced if we get the chat option
    Altiplano likes this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Other thing it makes no sense at all. Why can we talk in asso but not in the league? I would love to chat with a lot of good players I was knowing over the seasons. I can talk now with 3 of them cause we join the same asso, but still a lot more around....
    So Nordeus, c'mon make something right for once in a while, and implement chat to talk whoever you want

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Vernie83 View Post
    Other thing it makes no sense at all. Why can we talk in asso but not in the league? I would love to chat with a lot of good players I was knowing over the seasons. I can talk now with 3 of them cause we join the same asso, but still a lot more around....
    So Nordeus, c'mon make something right for once in a while, and implement chat to talk whoever you want
    Because in theory associations is people you know, and if someone is being unruly the captain can boot them. Nordeus does not have the time and resources to moderate every league's chat, and we both know how that is going to turn out.

    The solution is to seek out and friend on facebook the ones you wish to talk to and if possible form a group. I have done this and it's good enough.