Not against T11 rules, they don't care about that, its just facebook thats funny about all this.
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Theres bound to be other reasons than just business reasons, you will get people who lead double lives etc. Personally I'd like to close my current facebook account down that I'm using now but I need to keep it open for July Fourth, there is too many random people added to my facebook account for other games I played like Farmville and Mafia Wars but I stopped playing and I could not be bothered to delete all those friends because it takes too long to remove them all. I wish Nordeus could transfer my game to a fresh facebook account.
Yesterday, I tried reporting back my main FB account from my 2nd account.
Nothing happened on my main account.
I wanted to try report my main FB account again, there's message that say something like "you have reported this account, do you want to block him?" I chose 'cancel'.
I think that we should make FB account (that registered in TEFL) not suspicious, such as post something, tag photo or something like that.
My new one is still good. Holding off on accepting friends for the moment. Going to play some games, etc. to have some activity...