I didn't even watch my first league match but it doesn't really matter we won 3-1 away anyways, we were playing one of the stranger teams that are 10Q lower than us.
I didn't even watch my first league match but it doesn't really matter we won 3-1 away anyways, we were playing one of the stranger teams that are 10Q lower than us.
*Retired From Top Eleven*
Try getting a free agent on this server....
25T = $1.6M on L2
*Retired From Top Eleven*
All quiet in level 1.. won my games even though I'm not active on this server
TuaMa: Season 3 team
Season 1: Cup Preliminaries and League winners
Season 2:Cup preliminaries, League winners and Champions League winners!
Season 3: League winners, CL winners
Season 4: In progress.
What's with the power support against me this season ? Everyone against me I think
Keep right on