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We Kick-Off in 20 minutes... Playing a freaking BOT team...
When I started playing with July Fourth I lost once against a BOT and nearly quit the game because of it... Luckily I finished something like 11-1-1 after being something 4-6-3 when I joined midway through and was 8 points behind when I joined and won league on the last match.
who will get kristian abbey from papaleo legends ???
Wow , so many 5* all of a sudden :S
But I feel the entire game is acting weird tonight.
Am I the only one feeling that ?!!!!
Should I try to go for ragab ?
There is only 5* now LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
No 3* or 4* ......
I'm watching my game on my main account atm so I don't see the TL