I wonder if devs tested new T11 on this system...probably not:/
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To dev team: you can judge how you done your job by the huge feedback you are receiving. I want to summarise how i see the update:
- You removed 3rd position and many managers( including me) were put in position to play their games struggling- no compensation from your ingame support, good job, i am not going to enter in details how much hard work was about to be compromised
-You unfairly fastened the building in facilities
-There is no way we can sort our during match condition levels
- No way to sort by first 11/substitution in my squad menu
- See Assoc Top 100 to understand how exploited your game is by tankers
- You didnt take into account so many good proposal for upgrades such as daily +4 quality to be redistributed only within first 11 players
- I bet that you didnt fixed penalties issue in assoc. tourament( HUGE issue that MUST have been removed after the first complain you received MONTHS ago.
- It is absolutely no user friendly playing via phone, it is pretty hard to see where you arrange your players
This is not written by a quiter who only knows to complain. I will contiune using the app But listen to your dedicated users- they are plenty here in this forum
my former dl/dml/ml is now only a dl/ml -so far so bad- but there is now the option to train him to as an aml.
Is this standard in future, so that this kind of players could play everything from dl to aml?
Important to know and so far the only good thing i noticed after the update
Yes , but the fastest way is to log out and log in again . Since there is no Save button anymore most of the manager will be confused after changing their team when they will see in the preview window is not changed . They might think is not changed at all . Also without the save button all kind of mistaked can happen during a live match . One bad substitution and you can ruin the match ...
I guess you guys were lucky . I had two dr/dmr and dl/dml which were intially DR and DL and I've trained them for DML and DMR and also with special abillity of gameopener . Now after the update I have just a DR and DL , the passing attribute turned grey , so they will not gain on passing anymore (which was the main reason I created them like this in the first place ) . Now what should I do ? Invest other tokens to make them ML and MR ? because my player lost not only one position but one main attribute also , passing ! this does not seem fair to me at all .
One STUPID change update is there no more SAVE BUTTON for team subs during matchday.
Ive mistakenly pick wrong players to sub wrong players in the wrong position because the new drag in out layout system ****ed the efficiency of players sub.
When u drag wrong players to the wrong position it just auto save. We no longet have the authority to confirm substitution like before.
This is biggest ****ing mistake u made. I prefer previous system layout with save button. If u already sure to subs certain players then click the save button. That is safety method to managers.
Now u prone to subs wrong players with the new stupid layout. And what more there is no longer players name on shirt. Who the **** change players using shirt no? Its more convinient like previous u click name player and drag subs with another name player. Its more dynamic that way.
Overall new layout is total disaster. Who the **** responsible about change into this new stupid ui layout?