Dr dmr Mr. Now Dr Mr. Those green.
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Dr dmr Mr. Now Dr Mr. Those green.
Add back DML DMR roles... add back ARROW indicator. Add back multi players FKs, Corners takers like previous one. U can't depend to only 1 player to take those kicks. Do u even playing real life football?
I lost today so how do u think im supposed to feel???
My team 118+ that beat by 7 goals margin in first leg just now got defeated by a crappy 93 team. Instead my players all fully recharge with superb mood. Pathetic.
If not your stup1d update i still be leading in my league and have clear chances to win league with remaining games against crappy teams.
But now 2 players already pipped my team and to add insult i got demoted into 3rd because this stup1d sh1t update...
Im really furiously right now
Nordeus right now Attachment 89964
I updated my team formation now, but it still shows the old one in the match preview.
What about the player's abilitty? I had a dml/dl with playopener ability? now he is only dl with playopener ability,wich is "ilegal" on a defender. Will this ability still work? Or my player will be seen just as a DR , without any special ability?
I can see few players got their 3 position back except DMR and DML. they still are as DR and DL. convert them to DMR and DML and add the 3rd position for all players
Hi everyone,
The fix for missing 3rd roles has been deployed - you should be seeing your positions as normal.
Thanks very very much for the quick feedback here guys. I understand the frustration and greatly apologize for the inconvenienced caused by this.
That me literally. I lost valuable DMRs DMLs and now i loaded with too many DR DL... how i suppose to play them all? And i bought them with lots if token not cheap because all have SA...
if u want to make changes make sure discuss here first in this f##king forum. This is why all managers that actively play religiously meet and discuss.
Why NORDA$$ dont ask us first hand? Taking feed back and rectify which area needs to be uograde for goodsake.
I already think this forum just useless. Why? Because they just dont listen to what managers complain here.
With every update lots of players get mad fedup and later leave the game. I have almost 2/3 of my friends already left this game. They just pissed off every time with new update comes new ****ty senseless crappy changes that affecting their game play.